
Liz Asai

Liz Asai is an expert in digital health startups, software as a medical device (SaMD), and early commercialization of new healthcare technology. She currently serves as Hologic’s Global Head of AI & Connectivity, spearheading their effort to develop AI solutions for breast and skeletal applications worldwide. Liz began her career co-founding 3Derm, a teledermatology and skin cancer AI company. She raised several rounds of capital, attracted over a million dollars in public and private research grants, and successfully advocated for reimbursement of 3Derm’s telemedicine service from several major payers. In 2020, 3Derm obtained FDA Breakthrough Designations for two autonomous AI skin cancer detection algorithms and was acquired by Digital Diagnostics. Post-acquisition, Liz served as VP of Strategic Development at Digital Diagnostics overseeing pre-market development of their pipeline of ophthalmology and dermatology AI products. Liz holds a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering from Yale University.